Four-Bar Linkage

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Problem Description

Create a graphical simulation of a simple four-bar mechanical linkage.

Background & Techniques

Simulations of real world devices that move are some of the most challenging projects I have undertaken.  This is especially true if the parts of the device interact with each other.   A mechanical linkage is a good example.  This program, Four-bar Linkage Version 3, is almost as simple as a linkage can be but with enough features to make it interesting to play with. 

The linkage implemented has two fixed pivot points (connected by an implied rod) with a pivoting rod attached to each fixed point.  The two pivoting rods are connected by the 4th rod.  If the short pivot rod is rotated and the long pivot rod extended, the result is a simple windshield wiper model.   

The program user can click and drag any of the rod end points to to vary how the points move as the first rod rotates.  Right clicking on any rod end allows a trace of that point to be turned on or off.  Buttons allow linkage definitions to be saved and loaded and an animation of the linkage movement to started or stopped.  A sliding bar allows control of the speed and direction.  

A second variation, included in the download samples, adds two more bars to form a "truss" with the connecting rod, the tip of which will trace out some interesting patterns as the driving rod rotates. 

There are  additional configurations and movement options that will (might)  be added to this initial checkpoint version to  make it more generalized.   See the "Further Explorations" section at the bottom of the page.

Non-programmers are welcome to read on, but may want to skip to the bottom of this page to download executable version of the program.


Notes for programmers

A TLinkage class derived from TPaintbox provides the drawing space.  TRod  and TConnection classes work together to define the linkage.  The rods are kept in TLinkage in an array.  The connections are kept as objects in a TConnections class derived from a  sorted Tstringlist with connection ids as the key field.  Each rod object contains an array of the  ids of connection points on that rod. 

The OnPaint exit of TLinkage clears the screen and repaints the entire linkage each time the image must be redrawn.  After updates, i.e. when a connection point is moved or the animation moves the driver rod by a small step, a call to TLinkage.Invalidate forces the redraw.   ONMouseDown, OnMouseMove, and OnMouseUp event exits for TLinkage handle user changes to the linkage definition.  The TForm DoubleBuffered property is set to True to force updates to be made off-screen and ensure flicker-free updating.  

Tracing, drawing a trail of the path taken by a connection point, was one of the trickier items to implement.  When the MovementType property of a connection is set to Trace, an array of the points traversed is kept within the TConnection object.  To prevent the array size from growing without limit, a check is made and adding new points stops (the TraceComplete property is set to True), when then the two most recent traced points match the first two entries in the TracePoints array.   

Connection locations, the Loc property in TConnection, and the current rod endpoints (P1, and P2 rod ends in TRod) are all kept in TRealPoint format.  This was necessary to ensure that the paths would be retraced exactly  as the linkage animation runs.  It does mean extra processing is required to convert floating point coordinate values to integer format as they are drawn but it doesn't seem to be a major consideration - no need to run the simulation super fast anyway.

File streams were used to save and restore linkage definitions.  A file stream, as the name implies, is a river of data in which each variable is written as a series of bytes together with the number of bytes written.  There is no indication of the variable type or identification.  Retrieving such a data stream requires that the retrieval routines duplicate exactly the variable order and sizes used by the generating routines.  For this reason, I recommend including a version identifier as the 1st field in the stream so that future changes to the structure of the data can be detected and multiple version handled correctly at retrieval time.  Writing and retrieving strings requires some special considerations reflected in the WriteStr procedure and the ReadStr function included in the ULinkage unit along with TLinkage and related classes.

I feel that future enhancements to allow more generalized placement of  rods and connections will require a pre-run analysis of the definition to identify the structural elements; connection loops which define structures that we know how to move mathematically.  The two implemented  here would the 4-bar loop with three connection point locations known, and the 3-bar truss structure with two points known.  There may be others, only further play-time investigations will tell J.          

Running/Exploring the Program 

bullet Download source
bullet Download  executable

Suggestions for Further Explorations

bullet This version does not detect "bind" points; if the connecting rod is too long or short to allow full rotation of the driving rod, it simply stretches or shrinks as required.   It is more likely that a real world version would stop or reverse under this condition.
bullet User ability to control the linkage operation would allow the pantograph configuration.     A pantograph is a linkage that allows a traced pattern n to  be enlarged or reduced.  It has only a single fixed point and the  model must allow the linkage to be operated by dragging a point.
bullet "Momentum" would allow the linkage to operate as a "double crank".  Currently when the program must decide which way the connecting rod end will move, it chooses the upward direction.  The momentum option would track which direction the rod end is moving and continue in the same direction when a choice must be made. 


Original Date: January 5, 2009

Modified: May 15, 2018


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