Lazarus Revisited

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As of October, 2016, Embarcadero is offering a free release of Delphi (Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition ).     There are a few restrictions, but it is a welcome step toward making more programmers aware of the joys of Delphi.  They do say "Offer may be withdrawn at any time", so don't delay if you want to check it out.  Please use the feedback link to let me know if the link stops working.


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Mensa® Daily Puzzlers

For over 15 years Mensa Page-A-Day calendars have provided several puzzles a year for my programming pleasure.  Coding "solvers" is most fun, but many programs also allow user solving, convenient for "fill in the blanks" type.  Below are Amazon  links to the two most recent years.

Mensa® 365 Puzzlers  Calendar 2017

Mensa® 365 Puzzlers Calendar 2018

(Hint: If you can wait, current year calendars are usually on sale in January.)


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I spent much of this month (March, 2013) revisiting conversion of Delphi programs on DFF to the free Lazarus/FPC compiler.  The effort was prompted by a viewer email saying the process has much improved recently.  It has!  Lazarus is a front end integrated with FPC (the Free Pascal Compiler).   The guys that work on Lazarus have done an amazing job, particularly considering that they try  to support multiple platforms.


I am not a Lazarus expert and do not intend to become one.  To test compatibility, my approach has been to port some DFF programs to Lazarus on Windows without trying to maintain compatibility with Delphi.  This simplifies things a lot since, for example, no changes were required to any Delphi programs during this exercise. 


If you play with what is provided here or try other DFF programs, please let me know about my errors/oversights/misunderstandings  and your successes or failures in other areas.   Lazarus has dozens, perhaps hundreds of options, most of which I have left at default values except as described here.  If you branch off of my path, you will likely have to turn to the Lazarus community for assistance.   


I started with the a dozen or so programs which use DFF library units because most DFF programs use at least something from the library.  Structurally, I have a Library folder on my system where all of the units contained in the library zip file shared DFF units reside (currently DFFLibV15) .  Lazarus versions reside on my computer in a folder named LazLib.  There is nothing special about this except all Lazarus projects using library routines will need a unit search path pointing to LazLib or your equivalent.  A zip file of the Lazarus converted library units, DFFLazLibV01, is available here.  

Here is an Index of Lazarus Conversions


With that much background, here are some rough notes about what I have done, who I have done it to, and what I've learned.  (Latest additions are in red)


bullet Converting projects from Delphi:  Here is an outline of the steps I used to successfully convert a number of programs from the DelphiForFun website:
  1. Installed current Lazarus version
  2. Defined a new LazLib folder to contain current Library units that are required and a Lazarus folder to contain the converted programs.
  3. Copied library  units to be converted from Library to LazLib folder.
  4. Selected a program to convert and copy the to a new subfolder  in under the Lazarus folder and unzip it there.  (The source .zip provides an easy way to restart the conversion process if necessary.)
  5. Started Lazarus and, for the first project,  select Project/Project Options/Compiler Options/Path/Other units.  Select and add the path pointing to Lazlib  for the first conversion. Also select the first  path Template, $(LazarusDir)\lcl\units\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS),  and add it to the units path,  Select "make this the default for future new projects" before clicking OK.   (The Lazarus units template is not normally required, but it does no harm and was needed in one case for a library unit which has no form, but calls the "application.processmessages" method defined in unit "Forms".)    
  6. Selected Tools/Convert Delphi project and selected the .dpr file from step 4. Unchecked all option check boxes except "Keep converted units open in Editor". 
  7. After converting, errors may be detected in the conversion process or during the first execution.  Most errors have been encountered so far have been when converting one of the units failed.  (Converted units will have a {$MODE Delphi} statement near the beginning of the unit.)    There is a Tools option to convert a single unit only which seems to work well if a specific incompatibility in that unit has been fixed.   
  8. (April 6, 2013): Wordstuff3 conversion required installation of the LazJPG component, adding a Project-Options-Paths path to the LazJPG location in Components/Images folder and replace JPEG with LazJPG in the project uses clause.
  9. Converting Delphi .dfm form files to text before running the Project conversion eliminates some errors when the converter eliminates some unused Delphi form properties and then complaind the the variables are missing.       


bullet Keyboard differences added  for compatibility with my Delphi
bullet Added Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn  as move to absolute top and absolute bottom
bullet Added F2 and F3 as Save current and Load current.
bulletI have not located a  "Persistent Blocks" option in Lazarus, so my habitual use of the the Ctrl K keyboard shortcuts for "Start block", "End Block", "Copy Block" and "Move Block" is requiring some retraining. on my part.


bullet Compiler Message Differences
bullet Issues "Not initialized" hints message for arguments which are "var" parameters whose value is to be set by the called routine.  
bullet Gotcha's
bullet Lazarus searches for units in subfolders of the project folder before checking unit search path specified in options.  If you have left an out of date  library unit in a subfolder used for testing, it will be used for the current project with possible negative results. 
bullet Loading a project (.lpr) file using the File/Open menu does not close the current project or open the new file as a project.  Must use Project/Open menu item.  In Delphi, opening a .dpr project file makes that file the current project. 
bullet In Delphi, Unit search paths are global and fully qualified. Unfortunately, in Lazarus they are tied to each project and relative to the folder containing the project. So if a library name changes or it is moved, the change must be made in all  existing Lazarus projects.  There is an option with each local path setting to make it the default for all new projects thereafter.  
bullet Files open in the Editor can only be closed by right clicking on the page caption for that file.  In Delphi a right click anywhere in the edit area include a "Close" option the popup menu. 
bullet At Close time for a project, Delphi asks if changes are to be saved only when source code has been modified.  Lazarus asks after any compilation, probably because one or more of its status or history files has changed.
bullet IDE windows do not "autodock" to other windows.  E.g. in Delphi I routinely dock Watchlist to bottom and Object Inspector to left side of  Source Editor window.
bullet While debugging with the program Paused, Delphi will display the current value of a variable if the mouse hovers over it.  Not so in Lazarus.
bullet TCanvas does not have "Height" or "Width" properties in either Delphi or Lazarus, but use of those names within the scope of a Canvas control causes problems when Lazarus tries to call a TCanvas.GetWidth method.    
bullet Deleting and re-adding PrintDialog dialogs fixes problems with using that feature.
bullet GetTextMetrics has differences in the calling sequence and in the record format returned, apparently because Lazarus uses a version compatible with non-Windows platforms, even when compiling for Windows.        
bullet Advantage Lazarus
bullet Full path of files open in the IDE is displayed in status line at the bottom of its page.   In Delphi it can be difficult to discover exactly where an open file lives.
bulletLazarus has the similar visual design alignment aids as in current Delphi bersions (but not my Delphi 7).
bulletPrograms & Units converted
bulletLibrary units:  These unit are available in on the Library download page.
bulletUDict.pas (&UDict.frm)
bulletLazlib Test Programs:  These are available for downloading on the individual program pages as  Lazarus  source code download links.  Minimal testing has been done other than seeing that they compile and start execution OK on my system.  A new Lazarus category has been created so that an index of programs with Lazarus conversions can be created. (Index is not working yet.  I'll check into it).  
bullet Big Floating Point Test
bullet Big Integer Test
bullet Combos Test
bullet DicMaint
bulletGraph Search Samples 
bullet CoinSearch2, SimpleSearch, TicTacToeCount
bullet Dijkstra's Shortest path
bullet Integer Partitions
bulletOther Programs
bullet Prime Factors
bullet Sudoku
bullet Wordstuff 3 (7 programs)
bullet Specific Conversion Issues
bullet Sudoku - Had to typecast TStringGrid to TDrawGrid for call to AdjustGridSize.  Delphi accepts Tstringgrid as argument, Lazarus does not (but it should).
bullet Ugeometry -
bullet  TImage Fillrect: Delphi calls Windoows.Fillrect.  Lazarus uses Picture.Graphic if it is assigned (i.e. if  program has drawn on TImage.canvas.  In this case, image is redrawn, not cleared.   Workaround: Set Picture to Nil before calling Fillrect.
bullet  TSpinEdit should ignore Maxval & Minval values when they are the same.  Lazarus does not. Workaround:  Set Maxval to 1000 in Spinedit1 and Spinedit2
bullet Change variable Erase to DpErase in DrawPoly - TFPCCanvas has a conflicting Erase procedure, Delphi Tcanvas does not.
bullet  Change function Line to MakeLine in UGeometry because TFPCCanvas definition  has a conflicting procedure Line, Delphi TCanvas does not.
bullet Lazarus/FPC Download page
bullet wiki - Lazarus/FreePascal Main_Page
bullet Lazarus_For_Delphi_Users
bullet Code_Conversion: Delphi file equivalents in Lazarus




Original: March 27, 2013

Modified:  May 15, 2018

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