TileFit Tiling Program

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Problem Description

Here's a program to create random tilings of a rectangular area from a defined set of tiles.   

And here's a  design for a 30" X 60" tile top computer desk produced  by this program.

Background & Techniques

This program was written in 1992 to layout  table tops for one of my woodworking projects.    The slate tiles come in boxes of 20 or so in sizes ranging from 3X6 to 12X12 inches.   Purchased from Lowe's as I recall.  

For this posting, I cleaned up some of the code based on things I've learned in the past 10 years, but it's not a complete rewrite.

The program allows users to define a set of available tiles and a target table size.   Table tiling patterns are randomly generated.   Desirable patterns can be held in a separate list for later review and printing.    Tile sets can be saved and restored in text files with a ".til" extension.    

Here are the highlights:

bulletMy TIntEdit integer edit component is required to compile TileFit.  It's available from the NumEdit  page in the Delphi Techniques section along with some words about installing it.   I don't like to require extra components in project, but there are lots of numeric edit fields here that use TIntEdit to ensure valid numbers (tile sizes, counts, table size, print page column and  row  layouts, etc.).  
bulletA few local routines were copied from my personal utilities library to the U_Tilefit unit.   These might come in handy in other projects one day.    
bulletGetword to parse words from the saved tile set data as it's reloaded.
bulletGCD2 and GCD to compute the greatest common divisor (gcd) for a set of tile sizes.   GCD compute the gcd for an array of integers.  It calls GCD2 which uses Euclid's algorithm to compute gcd for two integers.  
bulletHexStrToInt to convert hex color strings back to integers.  Delphi has an IntToHex function to create hexadecimal strings but they seem to have forgotten the function to convert back.
bulletGetNextBtnClick is the central routine which creates tile patterns.    I'm sure that this routine would look quite different if I were writing it today.  This version create arrays of available tile sizes;  then in a loop it creates an array of the tile sizes that would fit in any empty space on the table.  Of the tiles that fit,  one is selected randomly, the indicator of next space to be filled is updated and continue the loop.    If we get stuck, i.e. no tiles left that fit the available space, we just reset everything and start over.   I'm surprised that it works as well as it does.      There are provisions for stopping the loop and for setting a maximum search time - probably reflecting processing speeds 9 years ago compared to today.
bulletThere are options to hold any pattern that catches your eye as looking good, and to review, delete members and print  the held table list.  There's also a print preview option.  All that seems to be working, so I left it alone.
bulletI did add Id and Color fields to the tile data and buttons to display tile Ids and/or colors in the displayed table tops.  Also added a "tick mark" option just to check where tile boundaries could fall.

Addendum July 14, 2005:  Viewer Andrew from France wrote asking how he could create patterns with multiple colors for the same tile size.   So I tackled the first update in the four years since the program was originally posted.   I sure wish I had done a better job of documenting the algorithms when I wrote the original code!  After 3 days, I managed to get the change implemented, but I'm still not sure how the thing works.  (But I'm pretty sure I could figure it out again if I had to.)     In addition to handling multiple colors of the same tile size,  the form can now be resized and the  NumEdit prerequisite for compiling the program has been removed.  

Running/Exploring the Program 

bulletBrowse source extract 
bulletDownload source 
bulletDownload  executable

Suggestions for Further Explorations

Implemented July 14, 2005: Since adding the "color" property to tiles, it would reasonable to have multiple tile entries with the same size but different colors.  Currently the selection process after having randomly selected a particular sized tile will choose the first one of that size that it finds.   Probably   the "available sizes" array entries should contain pointers to all tiles of that size so that a second random selection could be made among those. 
The new tile ID field introduces another complication - the edit dialog should check that Ids entered are unique.  It doesn't.  
Most  arrays in the program are static (fixed size) arrays.  Converting these to  dynamic arrays would eliminate size constraints on tiles and tables.  


Created: November 11, 2001

Modified: May 15, 2018






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