What's New -  December, 2012



December 2, 2012:  A viewer uncovered an infrequent error in our slot machine program when the results the program sees as the dials stop spinning doesn't match what the user sees.  It turns out that it only happened  when the third dial's run time expired during the few milliseconds that it was being updated.  That has been corrected and a second slot machine with three payout conditions was added in Slot Machine, Version 2 posted today.   

December 16, 2012:  It has been a busy two weeks between deer hunting, family vacation planning for next June, and working on a problem that my Logic Solver program hasn't cracked yet.  The deer is in the freezer, and the planning is down to filling in a few details so two out of three isn't bad.  Logic Solver Version 5 posted today  moves a step closer to solving a really hard "Geocaching" puzzle submitted by viewer Martin several weeks ago.  Follow the link for more details but I'll probably post another update  in January.  For now, Christmas season has bubbled its way to the top of my  "ToDo" list.    

December 19, 2012:  It didn't take long for user Martin, (known as xMRi to the GeoCaching world), to point out what wasn't working in my program.  Logic Solver Version 5.1  has the fix that allows the program to  solve the  "Mystery Könige" puzzle previously described and fixes several additional problems.  All in all, the hours  spent by Martin finding and me fixing and enhancing the program has made a much improved product.  Thanks for all your help Martin.  It's been fun!

December 22, 2012:      Merry Christmas!

Time for one more small update before heading out to spend Christmas with a daughter and her family.   Nine year old Nathan is the youngest of our grandchildren, so Christmas at his house provides the best toys to play with!  In the meantime Clear Blank Lines Version 4.1 fixes a couple of small issues when removing blank lines which have embedded Tab characters and also not saving removed blank lines to the "Deleted lines" file.


December 30, 2012:  And a Happy New Year!

The flat tire is fixed, we have power back after a 4-day outage caused by a major ice storm here along the Blue Ridge, and Congress is pretending to avoid falling off the "fiscal cliff".  All is almost right with the world again.  Here's wishing that all of your (and my) problems in 2013 be no worse than these.