What's New -  June, 2012



June 4, 2012:  One more enhancement to help a used debug a customized keyboard problem:  Key  Codes Version 3.0  displays scan codes when  KeyDown as well as  KeyPressed and KeyUp events occur.   This version also lets the user verify that left and right keys for Shift, Ctrl, and Alt  are identified correctly.

June 6: 2012:  Program CutList . assists in creating efficient layouts of rectangular parts for woodworking or other projects.  It is  the most  popular program on DFF but its complexity has made it more than a "for fun"  project so current development is restricted to bug fixes.    A couple of minor printing problems were corrected today - so minor that I'm not updating the version number. But printed diagrams now have a slightly wider part outlines to improve visibility. And the extra blank page preceding printed diagrams under some conditions has been eliminated.

June 11, 2012:  Last month's posting of Clear Blank Lines triggered a number of enhancement requests from users.  Clear Blank Lines Version 3.1 posted today adds these features:

  • Trailing as well as leading blanks can now be removed from non-blank lines
  • Leading  "Tab" characters, previously  treated a spaces and deleted with the "leading blanks" option, may now be optionally  retained or deleted when leading or trailing blanks are removed.
  • A "character select" option allows lines with a specified character to be removed or to be the only lines retained in the output.  This was requested by a user needing to extract email addresses from text files.  Retaining lines with "@" characters will ease the process.
  • A new "case" option allows  text to be converted to upper or lower case. 

June 21, 2012:  A small bug in our UBigIntegersV3 unit resulted in consolidating all of the library file updates from the past 3 years into a new library release, DFFLIBV14.  Also, the RSA encryption demo program, which requires some math with very large random integers, previously used a tailored version of the Biginteger class. Those routines have now been included in UBigIntegersV3 in the new librrary release.  

It's been a while since I've written a "just for fun" program, but I recently learned the definition of a "Blue Moon" so I'm next going to try generating a "Blue Moon Schedule" for any give date range.